Sunday, March 25, 2012

Menu for the Week

I know some of you had been wondering where I've been the last couple of weeks.  The unexpected hiatus was due to a couple of things.  First we took the vacation that I mentioned last year in my monthly financial updates.  Second, the weeks leading up to the vacation were incredibly stressful and I wasn't able to get anything written on a daily basis let alone in the hopper for the 10 days that I was gone. 

We had a a really great time (above is a picture of where I spent Friday afternoon. Pretty fabulous, isn't it?), I'll share more in a post later this week.  For now I'm up to my eyeballs in dirty laundry (4 people x 10 days equals a lot of laundry!), planning for the upcoming week and trying to get ready for work tomorrow.  My plan was to take the day off  on Monday but duty calls!

In keeping with my "just back from vacation theme", I'm keeping the menu plan pretty simple.  We'll be able to squeeze in three family dinners, the kids will be eating over at grandma and grandpa's one day, the rest of the days will be fend for yourself and/or take-out.

Here's our plan for the week

I do have to say that I miss not having to worry about cooking dinner.  That's it for my menu this week, what are you serving?  Feel free to leave a link in the comments or just share.

I'll be linking this up to I'm an Organizing Junkie, Money Saving Mom and Life as Mom

1 comment:


    Here is my menu for the week also. Thanks for sharing your menu it looks wonderful.
