Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weekly Menu

Talk about an easy week for menu planning, it's definitely this week.  I'm leaving Tuesday for a business conference in Chicago and won't be back until dinner time on Friday, looks like the family will be having a lot of "fend for yourself" nights this week!

As we were grocery shopping yesterday I told Mike that he was NOT going to get spaghetti.  He was a little pouty when we walked by the spaghetti aisle but I stood firm.  I figured since I was going to be gone for the week we could have a meal that would excite the kids so I planned on serving brats tonight.

Well.......Mike must have been a good boy because God decided we weren't going to have brats.  We went to a family get together earlier today where brats were on the menu.  Brats are a favorite in our house, but not enough for two meals.  Add to it the storms that went through and all plans for grilling was done.  In case you were wondering, my brother-in-law stood outside with an umbrella to grill our brats and hamburgers :)

So, as we were leaving I made a list of ingredients for the boy to pick up at the grocery store.  Can you guess what we're having for dinner?  Bingo - spaghetti!! The kids aren't to happy - yet again.  I'm not sure if it's the actual spaghetti they don't like or the work involved in the clean-up.  The meatballs make quite a mess and there are a lot of pots to clean.  I should really look into buying some cooking bags, but why take away the kids' fun?

Here's the menu for the week, I told you it was an easy one!

Spaghetti and meatballs, strawberry salad, corn, garlic bread
Fend for yourself x4
Dinner out
Chicken and stuffing, glazed carrots, homemade applesauce, salad, bread (Mike is working next weekend so I'll cook a meal the kids love next Saturday).

I of course will be eating out all week!  We'll do at least one really nice meal but the rest will probably be low key.

What's on the menu at your house?  Feel free to link up or share in comments

I'll be linking this up at Good Cheap Eats, Money Saving Mom, I'm an Organizing Junkie

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1 comment:

  1. Yay for easy menu planning! That's so interesting that the kids don't like spaghetti since pasta is usually a popular kid meal. Kinds cool though since it's not the healthiest meal either :-)
