Saturday, April 23, 2011

My $2.10 Kohl's Shopping Trip

One of the ways that I save money is to not have time to shop :)  Of course sometimes shopping is a necessity which I have no choice but to do.  A few weeks ago my daughter needed so some summer clothes.  It  was still a little early but nothing from last year fits her so I dug up my 30% off coupon at Kohl's, went on a spend $50 get $10 days and hit the sale racks with her and my husband.  That shopping trip cost us about $200 but we pretty much got her summer wardrobe and my husband a pair of jeans. - plus $40 to spend at a later date

Last Sunday my $40 was set to expire so I told me daughter she could get a new pair of shoes.  Of course we couldn't go without my husband because he LOVES shopping for himself. (I know - weird, isn't it?)  He wears black t-shirts for work and has trouble finding them with the right mix of cotton/polyester.  Kohl's carries them but they tend to be a little expensive.  With the two of them along I was a little worried that my $40 'freebie' might turn into a larger shopping trip.

With a little coaching from me they were able to work it out where he got his black t-shirt and she got a pair of sandals for $42.10.  The downside to Kohl's is that they don't let you use their discount coupons with the spend 50 get 10 otherwise I would have been able to score even more deals! Total value at the bottom of the receipt $75 - not that I would have paid that much but it felt good knowing that I got two nice things for my family for $2.1. 

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