Monday, April 9, 2012

Weekly Goals

One of the blogs that I read daily is Michael Hyatt.  The other day he had a guest poster who wrote a post entitled What I Learned About To-Do Lists From My Eight Year Old Son.  Nothing in the post was earth shattering or an "ah ha" moment but it was a good reminder to think about what was truly important and make sure those are what's on your to-do list.

Here is what was on my list from last week:

1. Finish decorating project for our bedroom - Not only did I finish this project but I also knocked out another project off of my 12 projects of 2012 list

2. Re-straighten the girls' bathroom cupboard (you can read about the original organization here)
3. Re-write the "About Me" section of my blog and finally add a family picture
4. Finish and order a photo album on Mix Book that I created as a gift but never finished
5. Start a vacation album on Mix Book
6. Make an appointment with an attorney to prepare a will and power of attorney  - I did some research and have narrowed down which attorney we're going to use but I haven't made the appointment yet.
7. Make an appointment with the personal trainer at the gym and exercise three times
8. Finalize one of the serial posts that I've been working on for the blog. 

I was a little disappointed in myself that I didn't get more done but without making a lot of excuses, there were some extenuating circumstances.  There were quite a few things accomplished that weren't on the list, plus I had some unexpected time suckers that didn't help.  I spent an hour and a half last Saturday trying to get some pictures printed at Wal-mart before going home empty handed.  Mike was sick so I had a bunch of stuff to take care of that was on his list.  Plus it's been pretty crazy at work and I've come home exhausted every night. 

Here is my list for this week.  While it may not seem like a lot to get done, these are all things I need to accomplish and I'm trying to be realistic.  Knowing what is on my plate this week, I'll be feeling pretty good if I get this all done.

1.  Make an appointment with an attorney to prepare a will and power of attorney
2.  Exercise three times and make an appointment with the personal trainer at the gym.
3.  Do some work on the blog (new about page, writing additional posts, etc)
4.  Finalize volunteer dates (I've offered to prepare some lunches for a couple of Habitat for Humanity builds)

I'll let you know how it goes.  What are you hoping to accomplish this week?  Feel free to either share or link to your post in the comment section.

I'll be linking this to Money Saving Mom

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