Monday, October 3, 2011

Weekly Menu Planning

Wow - I hate to admit this but we strayed so far from our menu plan last week.  I could try and put a positive spin on it by saying we had the brats, pizza, fend for yourself and dinner out but I didn't make the spaghetti, Italian Chicken or chicken casserole so that's a pretty weak argument given how easy those items were!

On Monday my husband and I thought we would sneak out for a date after driving our daughter to dance.  Our son got whiff of our plans and wanted to come along.  It's not very often that he gets time by himself with us so we did take him with us.  We found out that one of our favorite restaurants offers half price burgers on Monday nights.  Unfortunately one of us insisted on getting salmon instead of a burger which made a bill bigger than it needed to be.  Let me tell you, she's going to get a talking to this week!  We are planning on going out again this Monday and I am going to try the walnut burger this time.  Besides saving money it looked pretty yummy.
Grocery shopping and menu planning was pretty easy this week given I had the ingredients for three of the meals.  My bill was definitely cheaper than it has been for quite a while but I still can't seem to get it down below $150.

Here's the menu.


Breakfast sandwiches
Egg scrambles
Cinnamon Rolls
Blueberry muffins
Veggie Burgers (I know this sounds crazy but I enjoy heating up an Amy's Veggie Burger and eating it for breakfast on my way to work.  I splurged and bought some this week)

Kashi frozen lunches
Sandwich, Gogurt, string cheese, mandarin oranges, brownies plus a granola bar for a late morning snack (daughter’s lunch for school)
Bagel sandwiches
Lunch out

Chicken and stuffing casserole, ciabbata bread, glazed carrots, pineapple, salad

Brats, grilled potato, onions & mushrooms, homemade applesauce

Crispy Italian Chicken, rice, mashed potatoes, biscuits, salad

Spaghetti & Meatballs, strawberry salad, corn, bread
Dinner out (x2)

That's our menu plan, what are you planning for the week?  Feel free to leave a link to your menu in the comments.

I'll be linking this up over at I'm an Organizing Junkie

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